The project is unique and innovative in its essence by promoting natural heritage through development of common roadmap of the natural heritage and connection with the touristic products near the protected area “Markovi Kuli”. The development of protected areas has, from a territorial and systemic point of view, an important role in the state's and municipal development strategies, in terms of both production factors and territorial factors.      


 The project “Improving the management of the protected areas” aims to achieve the following results:
  1. a) improvement of the management effectiveness and sustainability of national protected areas and potential NATURA 2000 areas;
  2. b) the designing and testing of more sustainable practices in the use of natural resources; and
  3. c) an increase in the capacity of protected areas management authorities, local self-governments and CSOs to implement policies and actions that maintain a sustainable balance in protected areas between livelihoods on the one hand and conservation and restoration priorities on the o
Concepts were focused on activities that will improve nature protection and promote the sustainable use of natural resources in local communities in target areas.
  1. 1. Conservation and monitoring
  2. 2. Sustainable use of the natural resources
  3. 3. Managing habitats and ecosystems
  4. 4. Sustainable tourism and recreation development
  5. 5. Local development
  6. 6. Communication, education and public awareness raising (CEPA)
  7. 7. General management with protected areas, financial and administration management

Project Protect&Act – Markovi Kuli - Prilep

The unique geological massive called Markovi Kuli is composed of numerous, diverse small denudation forms representing exceptionally fine sculpture of the relief. Similar shapes can be noted in the wider area of Prilep, from the area of Mariovo to Kajmakcalan, but such an intensive concentration and such diversity of micro relief geomorphological forms as at Markovi Kuli have not been recorded so far in broader environment. This phenomenal wealth of shapes is due, to the geological composition of the terrain composed of metamorphic rocks (gneiss) broken through by younger granites - granodiorites (ademelites), climate, relief and plant cover. The complex geological, geotectonic and petrographic development of this part of the terrain led to numerous fissures, faults and specific forms of bending that have played an important role in terms of the evolution of the present physiognomy of the terrain around Markovi Kuli. Periods of magma immobility followed up by denudation processes had played a critical role in the formation of specific forms of the relief, through the chemical influence of water, activity of humus acids released by lichen and moss covering the rocks and by mechanical activity of temperature fluctuation, freezing of water in fissures of the rocks and air circulation. Those agents had demolished the surface of rock masses, especially fragile granite and gneiss rocks and created specific shapes in their present form. Natural structures of granodiorite rocks date back in the period of the hot granite magma solidification and cooling, which resulted in spherical and parallelepiped rocky blocks. The entire massif of gneiss and granodiorite is characterized by most diverse, amazing and, one might even say, incredible forms of peaks and bare rocks, columns and spurs, mushrooms, balls, cavern and passage recesses and many other forms. Some of these complex geomorphological forms are of giant size, with a weight of up to several hundred tons. The monument of nature “Markovi Kuli” is of valuable significance and is symbol of Prilep. Natural wealth exists from the time of consolidation of magma. Its rarity is fascinating because of its cultural and historical landmarks, and has natural and scientific value. Today, “Markovi Kuli” is place where recreational tourism is developed, where sports events and activities are held: bouldering, paragliding, ultra-marathon, etc. The toughest problems that we observe are uncontrolled fires that often cause major damage in this area, waste contamination and occurrence of wild dumps, in and around the boundaries of protected area, there is a lack of information boards of the significant landmarks, low visibility during night time, there is no monitoring system as an extra protection from deviations and damages such as illegal woodcutters in the protected area. The problems that we emphasize have implications not only to the citizens of Prilep, but to all citizens of Macedonia. The negligence of this rarity as “Markovi Kuli”, especially when the cause of the problems is human factor, justifies the need to raise the awareness of the citizens for intensifying the protection of “Markovi Kuli”. By improving the management of “Markovi Kuli”, citizens will have direct benefits through the utilization of the tourist and economic value of the protected area. With the Law on Proclamation of the Markovi Kuli for a Monument of Nature, the managing authority Public Scientific Institution Institute of Old Slavic Culture - Prilep, has the responsibility to keep, care and maintain the Monument of Nature - Markovi Kuli. The Institute is lacking with the sufficient funds and human resources in provision of necessary mechanisms for protection of the area. That’s why the selected project approach focuses in formalization of the management arrangements in line with the Law on Nature where the mobilization of the necessary resources will be done by formalization of the management arrangements by the project partners. In order to improve the management and sustainability of the protected area, the project will focus on strengthening of the capacities of the managing institution, building capacities and improved protection and conservation mechanisms. The ranger service, monitoring plan, video monitoring of the area and involvement of the stakeholders and local population will improve the protection of Markovi Kuli, and will also raise awareness about the significance of the protected area. The project is unique and innovative in its essence by promoting natural heritage through development of common roadmap of the natural heritage and connection with the touristic products near the protected area “Markovi Kuli”. The development of protected areas has, from a territorial and systemic point of view, an important role in the state's and municipal development strategies, in terms of both production factors and territorial factors (tourism connected sectors, local development and integration of the natural and cultural treasures).